Fellini’s Sidewalk

Fellini’s Sidewalk

How it’s shaping the Upper Westside

Our CID strongly believes in being able to walk to enjoy a slice with your family and friends! Fellini’s owners agreed, and we partnered to narrow their driveway entrances and exits to bring you a safe new sidewalk so you can do just that.

This project required the collaboration of neighboring property owners, the Upper Westside Improvement District, and the City of Atlanta, with contributions from Toll Brothers and Allen Morris Company.


Status: Completed

Completed JUNE 2019

“My vision for the Upper Westside is a walkable, bikeable neighborhood that doesn’t sacrifice community for growth.”

Fellini’s SidewalkFellini’s Sidewalk
Fellini’s SidewalkFellini’s Sidewalk

Have an idea for a project that would benefit our community? Let’s hear it!

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