If youโ€™ve passed through the Howell Mill and 17th Street NW intersection recently, you may have noticed something new ๐Ÿ‘€ โ€“ the interactive sculpture letters at The Hill!

This art installment was created by a local Atlanta metal worker, Andrew Crawford, owner of Ironworks. The moveable signage is an elevated art piece that provides an interactive element and the potential for the perfect photo opportunity if youโ€™d like to give them a twirl!

One of our goals is to continually enhance the experience of neighborhoods in the Upper Westside. Along with improvements to transportation networks, trail expansions, and developing community partnerships, we believe in the importance of fostering a sense of pride in the district where you live, work, and play. The Hill letters installation is a public art investment that brings a fun, interactive feature to the community.

If you have been MIA and missed one of our latest social posts, below are more progress updates on The Hill at Waterworks!

ยท The fences along the eastern Hemphill Reservoir at the corner of Howell Mill Rd & 17th St were moved back creating a 2-acre greenspace.

ยท Ground maintenance was completed to tame groundcover plants and remove dead trees and limbs.

We have big plans for this beautiful green space! To read more about the history and future of The Hill at Waterworks, dive into the details here.

To get involved or learn more about the improvements in the Upper Westside District, don’t be shy! Follow us on social media to stay connected.