Nearly 15 months in the making , the Upper Westside Masterplan draft is ready for comment!  Our area has seen unprecedented growth without a framework to guide public and private investment. A masterplan for the Upper Westside will ensure that the transitioning industrial areas and charming intown neighborhoods evolve into a livable district where streets, buildings, and public spaces are crafted first and foremost for people.

The Upper Westside Masterplan lays out a strategy for strategic growth, and will instruct future investment in the public realm to improve quality of life and set a higher standard for private development design. The masterplan is the result of extensive community input: we conducted an online survey, mailed nearly 6,000 postcards with visioning activities, hosted six virtual neighborhood visioning workshops, deployed a text-message campaign, and asked you to participate in an interactive mapping exercise. We also ran a two-month long Masterplan Workshop complete with an indoor bike path for kids to learn about road safety!

Now it’s time for you to let us know if we captured your hopes and dreams for the Upper Westside.  You can access the Masterplan document here and review the content or make comments. We’re looking forward to getting started on these transportation, greenspace, and public art projects!